February 6th -11th, 2020 at Chestnut Hill Eco Resort
Is Our Brain Degenerating? : What Is the Major Factor of the Degeneration?
J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986) is regarded by many as the most significant voice of our times and as one who has had a most profound impact on human consciousness. Dedicating his life entirely to sharing his insights on the human condition, he traveled constantly around the world, giving talks to thousands of listeners, writing, holding discussions with the brightest minds of the century, or just sitting silently with those who sought his compassionate and healing presence.
What may initially bewilder most people is Krishnamurti’s observation that to see the true nature of anything demands neither book knowledge nor intellectual prowess, neither faith nor religious training. All it asks for is a skeptical and attentive observation of life itself. The simpler you are in your approach, the better – a demand that marks a complete departure from the mainstream religious and scientific culture. The implication is profound: the keys to understanding are wrested from the hands of the priest and the pundit, the scientific and the specialist, and given to anyone who cares to see, to understand – and be a light to oneself! This year we will inquire into our inner self together with Krishnamurti through his Series of five Saanen 1978 Questions & Answers and three Buddhist Scholar Discussions. There are several life crucial inquiries in these series - How can the drive of selfishness end? What will make a human being change? Can the time end? Does constant effort damages the brain? and What is Order in oneself? - just to name a few.
Find your program for the Annual Winter Gathering down under below links;
For further inquiry, please contact; Registration Fees: Fees vary by accommodation types. Please choose your choice below. Fee includes accommodation, 15 vegetarian meals and all coffee breaks during the entire program.
Note: You can come earlier and leave later than the program. If you wish to extend your stay, please inform us by sending email to [email protected]
For more details, please contact: - Joy Sukkaboon 66 87 704 2979 - Mui Pitchayanun 66 81 496 7483