Art & Music for Complementary Health & Self Development by Medhi Chantra and Kanjanaporn Meeyai Perkins
26 - 28 May 2017 26 - 28 พฤษภาคม 2560
3 Days 2 Nights to master your inner strength and higher your personal potential (Private/Group Program also available)
Art & Music for Complementary Health & Self Development โปรแกรมศิลปะและดนตรีเพื่อการดูแลสุขภาวะและพัฒนาตนเอง
What is the course about?
Exploring your thoughts and feelings about yourself in relation to art & music and movement
Discover how to enhance your sense of self and make the most of your personal potential
Help you recognise and develop the confidence and your inner strength to share the wisdom that comes from your own life journey
Recognise your vision and value
Overcome obstacles and creativity work with challenges
Get motivated to make positive change happen
You will gain new tools and techniques for health and well being in your daily life
What topics will we cover?
Understanding the three centres of intelligence in human
“Voice” & Well being
Body Awareness
Looking at how creative visualisation, image, music and movement can help you develop your awareness in life
How art can clarify thinking and enhance communication
Creative techniques and tools to assist you in your daily life
Mindfulness & Meditation practice : Zen flute, singing bowl
Art making, Games & Play to develop self understanding and self awareness
The use of art to reflect on your own well being
What are the teaching methods?
Interactive small group and pair work
Discussion and sharing
Relaxation and visualisation guidance
Practical art and music based activities
Mindfulness & Meditation
Writing a daily journal
Daily Schedule for the program
Friday 26th 10.30 – 12.00 hrs. Session 1: Welcome to the Chestnut Hill Eco Resort and the course. Introductions & feel more relaxed and open through doing warm up activity : Who are you? Celebrate your cultural background. 13.30-17.00 hrs. (Break 30 mins) Session 2: Presentation & Explore the history from past to present on Art & Music for Complementary Health. Discover or revisit your potential in creativity through art making and music. Enhance and develop a conversation with a partner using art & music. Feed back and sharing. Writing your daily journal. 19.30-20.30 hrs. Session 3: Suizen (Blowing meditation), breathing practice
Saturday 27th 8.30– 12.00 hrs. (Break 30mins) Session 4: Exploring the Art of Deep Listening and understand the Three Centres of Intelligence in Human through recognise some of the non verbal factors affecting your experience. Activities involved in art drawing, sound and movement. 13.30-17.00 (Break 30 mins) Session 5: - Relaxation with Tibetan singing bowl - Play & Activity to create different pieces of art , based on your personal life journey with guided fantasy using your imagination, images. Discuss and share thoughts about your value and needs. Writing your daily journal. 19.30-20.30 Session 6: “Find your voice” & Wellbeing.
Sunday 28th 8.30-12.00 (Break 30 mins) Session 7: Mindfulness for wellbeing and practice the Body awareness. Explore your inner sound using Gestalt technique. The final artwork and review your experiences with others. Question & Answer. Discussion and feed back.
For Thai Audiences (เกี่ยวกับโปรแกรมศิลปะและดนตรีเพื่อการดูแลสุขภาวะและพัฒนาตนเอง)
“Art & Music for Complementary Health and Self Development” ศิลปะและดนตรีเพื่อการดูแลสุขภาวะ และ พัฒนาตนเอง นั้น เป็นกระบวนการของการเรียนรู้ สำรวจความเชื่อมโยงทั้งความคิด อารมณ์ความรู้สึก และร่างกายแบบองค์รวม โดยใช้คุณสมบัติของเสียง ดนตรี ศิลปะ และการเคลื่อนไหว จากพื้นฐานของ Expressive Art therapy เราจะค้นหาการรับรู้ เข้าใจ ความต้องการที่แท้จริงของเรา ซึ่งอาจมีผลกระทบทั้งในข้อดี และข้อด้อย ทำให้เราได้ตระหนักถึงศักยภาพที่เรามีอยู่จากด้านใน ให้นำไปสู่การเสริมสร้างความเชื่อมั่น พัฒนาจิตใจ มองผ่านประสบการณ์การเดินทางของชีวิตเพื่อการเรียนรู้ คุณค่า และโลกทัศน์ภายในตัวเรา เพื่อก้าวผ่านความติดขัดด้วยกระบวนการสร้างสรรค์ ข้ามพ้นภาษา พร้อมทั้งมารู้จักเครื่องมือในการฝึกดูแลสุขภาพทั้งร่างกาย และจิตใจสำหรับชีวิตประจำวัน และ workshop นี้จะนำกระบวนการบำบัดมาใช้ร่วม เพื่อความผ่อนคลายในจิตใจ
Medhi has over 15 years of experiences as a facilitator who brings unique sounds and music into work. He started his career as a professional musician, performed and toured around Thailand. He also composed many songs for well known singers and bands, charities, organisation to help the HIV patients, women in poverty, education and religions & spiritual beliefs. This experience provided him with the foundation that helps him to explore deeply into his music skills.
He left his career as a musician and focused on a learning programme for self development which is known as “Enneagram” with Ajarn Santikaro (Enneagram is a model of the 9 different types personality in humans). He also was appointed as one of the committee member of Thailand Enneagram Association (TEA). Later, his music skills allowed him to develop “Enneagram music” for the studying of the expressive feeling and 9 pattern of personality types. Nowadays, his work has been used in The Enneagram Workshop for medical students in Psychiatry Department at Ramathibodi Hospital.
Prior to his music & meditation, he is a professional zen flute player (Shakuhachi) and was taught from Sensei Yoshio Kurahashi. Currently, he works as a freelance facilitator. His workshops include Enneagram, Music therapy for Depression, Music for Insomnia, Contemplative Listening, Music & Meditation with Zen Flute, Art & Music from within (self development).
He contributes his voluntary work for Buddhadasa Indapanno Archives (BIA), Bangkok.
Ajhan Kanjanaporn Meeyai Perkins (Tu), Music and Art Therapy Practitioner
Tu is a facilitator and a co led workshop for the expressive art and music therapy. She has a learning and development professional for the past 10 years. She is dedicated to sharing the therapeutic value of creative expression in art and music into her workshops.
She completed the Psychodynamic Counselling skills from The Manor House Centre for Psychotherapy & Counselling Centre London, Foundation of Art Therapy from British Association of Art Therapist (BAAT), Foundation of Music Therapy from Roehampton University, London. Her Continuing Professional Development (CPD) includes Group Therapy at Gestalt Centre and earned her holistic studies in Homeopathy, Alexander Technique, Kum Nye Yoga. She continued to gain her knowledge on Working with dream, Journal writing for self discovery, Sleep Management, Woman’s Quest and The Mindfulness Project London Centre.
Tu has developed and combined her knowledge of healing through sounds and in many different of art form including body movement and voices into her practice. In the past, she voluntary worked for British Red Cross (London Headquarter), a charity for helping homeless (Crisis), co worker for rehabilitation programme for mental patients at Srithanya hospital, Working with children at school and orphanage home.
Her work experiences include 7-weeks Music Therapy (closed group) for Depression, Insomnia Workshop, Art & Music from within (Self Development), Contemplative Listening.